Dec 28, 2009

FSX autoland and autopilot FAQ

I have been receiving too many questions (and sorry not have answered all) about FSX "autopilot" and "autoland" on default game setting (without any add-on).

Q: Does FSX give any possibility of autopilot and autoland features without add-on?

A: Basically, it is not 100% autoland nor autoland as long as there is NO FMC (Flight Management Computer), thus technically it is NOT autopilot/autoland. HOWEVER, any default plane with GPS can fly exactly on the flight plan which you can set before or even during your flight session. Many people have questioned about this have forgotten the fact, FSX is a flight simulator GAME.

Q: I have watched other "autoland" videos on YouTube and those do not work for my FSX.

A: Yes I also have watched and examined each instructions and unfortunately some of those are based on the min requirement to install an add-on in order to manage autoland. My instructions (B737, A321) are based on DEFAULT version (without any add-on). I believe my instructions IS THE ONLY WAY to manage a fsx DEFAULT planes autoland or autopilot. Basically ILS landing = instrument landing does only indicate the location of the runway which in reality never lands any plane automatically but in FSX yes it does!!

Any more questions regarding to FSX autoland or autopilot on DEFAULT setting (in case you need to use any add-on, I can not answer any question), please let me know! (so we can find it out).

Dec 27, 2009

AirwaySim is a web game for flight management sim

Not flight simulator but airliner management sim game based on web (no need to buy a software), AirwaySim. Free demo version is a good way to know this management game and the full version costs about less than 1USD/day.

Airliner fsxtakasito has joined this game (demo version) and will start reporting about the game if only I will like it.